City Zoning
Get all your information about zoning from city hall.
Get all your information about zoning from city hall.
The City is currently in the process of completing a comprehensive re-write of the existing comprehensive plan, zoning documents, and subdivision regulations. The comprehesive plan was finalized in April and a copy of the final adopted document can be downloaded from the links section on this page. A new zoning ordinance and corresponding zone map is in process of being completed. The planned completion date for the zoning ordinance is June of 2011 and upon completion of those items efforts with be focused on an update to the city's subdivision regulations.
Loren Dewhirst
Heidi Garness
Shasta Patterson
Shaun Lambert
Loren DewhirstInterim - Zoning Enforcement
Cory Ravnaas - Zoning Administrator
The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold its monthly meeting on the Second Thursday of the Month at 6:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.